1. Find largest files on disk
find /* -type f -exec du -sh {} + | sort -hr | head -n10
2. Find the process accessing a specific file (Read or Write)
lsof /var/log/mystery_app.log #From the output of the above command take the Process ID ps -o cmd <PID>
3. Copy files from a remote server to local machine via jump server
rsync -avz -e "ssh -J jumpuser@jumpserver" remoteuser@remoteserver:/path/to/files/ /path/to/destination/
- - a: archive mode, preserving file permissions, ownership, timestamps, and links
- - v: verbose mode, displaying detailed progress information
- - z: compress data during transfer to reduce bandwidth usage
- - e: option specifies the remote shell to use for the transfer, which is
in this case.
- - J: option specifies the jump server to use for the transfer.
4. Copy files from local machine to remote server via jump server
rsync -avz -e 'ssh -J user@jumpserver' /path/to/local/files user@remoteserver:/path/to/remote/directory
5. Important lsof commands
#List all processes that are listening on a particular port: lsof -i :<port_number> #List all open files for a particular process: lsof -p <process_id> #List all files opened by a particular user: lsof -u <username> #List all network connections: lsof -i #List all open files in a particular directory: lsof +D <directory_path>
6. If you have root access how to iterate through all user’s crontab entries
sudo su for user in $(cut -f1 -d: /etc/passwd); do crontab -u $user -l; done
7. Cron logs
8. CURL command to find out your server’s IP Address
curl ifconfig.me && echo ""
9. Create a Test 2 GB File
dd if=/dev/zero of=test bs=2m count=2000
10. Find all files in a directory that contain a particular string
grep -ri "string" /path/to/directory find /path/to/directory -name "*.txt" -exec grep -H "string" {} \;
11. Find all files in a directory but exclude file1 and file2
grep -r --exclude="file1" --exclude="file2" "your_string" /path/to/directory
12. How can I test if secure-boot is enabled?
mokutil --sb-state SecureBoot enabled
13. Find service on port
netstat -ltnp | grep -w ':3306'
14. Zip And Encrypt A File
zip -e temp-sssd-resolv.zip sssd_resolv
15. Take A TCP Dump
sudo tcpdump -i ens5 port 3128 -w capture.pcap
16. Grep The PCAP File
sudo tcpdump -r capture.pcap | grep <IP address>
17. Remove older kernel from your local repo
sudo package-cleanup --oldkernels --count=2
18. Check Yum Repo For package
sudo yum list updates 'kernel*'
19. Check if user can sudo
sudo -l -U <linux-username>
20. Ping sweep
for i in $(seq 254); do ping 10.1.2.${i} -c1 -W1 & done | grep from
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